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Contact Us to Purchase your MyZone Today

Myzone clubs

myzone zones

Each zone has Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) associated with the effort you put in to exercise.

What’s the point of MEPs?
Myzone doesn’t measure speed, cadence, or weight lifted, it measures the effort put in.

This levels the playing field so that beginner effort can be comparable with the effort exerted by elite athletes. Everyone can control the effort they exert, and it is the control of that factor that makes Myzone so fun and engaging.

The Myzone App gives real-time feedback during each workout to encourage effort in the moment. The app is user-friendly and intuitive and allows users to see their results anywhere, anytime.

The app enables users to compete and connect with friends from within your facility, view workout history, develop social sharing, leaderboards, and feel part of a community adding real power to the motivational forces you can expect from Myzone. The Myzone app works for both android and iOS and stores the data.

Tracking your progress is a great way to stay motivated and connected to your fitness goals.  Wearable technology is an easy and fun way to track your workouts, compete with yourself, and see results faster.  The workouts you do here at Milestone as well as any exercise you do outside the building are all linked in a seamless process.