Health & Wellness Blog | Baptist Milestone Louisville, KY

6 Tips to Fight Holiday Stress

Written by Elizabeth Dowell | Thursday, December 04, 2014


It's the most wonderful time of the year! From shopping crowds and unwrapped gifts to family gatherings and office parties, does the holiday season leave you feeling stressed and not so wonderful? Prepare yourself for the hustle and bustle and beat the holiday stress with these helpful tips! 



1. Set a Budget

Set a budget early and stick to it! Track your spending and shop early to avoid last minute trips to the mall or store.No matter what the budget is for (food, gifts, both!), staying within your limits will keep those guilty feelings from emerging later. 

2. Make Lists

Making lists will not only de-clutter your brain, it will make you more organized and efficient! Prioritizing your to-do list and not being afraid to ask for help with tasks will keep you feeling in control. And who doesn't love the satisfaction of crossing off items on their lists? 

3. Exercise

Even if you only have 15 minutes to spare, squeezing in daily exercise during the holidays will boost your mood and restore your brain. Make sure your workout is on your to-do list so you can keep yourself accountable. You will not regret it! 

4. Learn to Say "No" 

With the holiday season comes invitations to office parties, cookie exchanges, play dates... the list goes on. Decide upfront what events are most important to you and your family. If you can't say "no," remove another activity from your calendar. This will help you avoid resentful and overwhelming feelings. 

5. Eat Breakfast 

Eating breakfast will give you that boost of energy to start your day. It has also been shown to help avoid overindulgence later... at that holiday party perhaps? Avoid guilt and stress by fueling your body with healthy choices starting first thing in the morning. 

6. Forget Perfection 

Nobody's perfect! There are bound to be a few bumps in the road as you juggle schedules, workouts, cooking, shopping, wrapping, etc. Take a deep breath when things do not go as planned and remember to enjoy this time with your family and friends!