Health & Wellness Blog | Baptist Milestone Louisville, KY

Milestone's Monday Munchie // Beginner's Luck Green Smoothie

Written by Jill Fratianne | Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wear green from the inside out and try this healthy GREEN smoothie! The Beginner’s Luck Green Smoothie from Simple Green Smoothies is a great starter smoothie for beginners. It’s full of iron, potassium and vitamins galore and tastes like a tropical treat!

2 cups spinach, fresh
2 cups water
1 cup pineapple
1 cup mango
2 bananas

Blend spinach and water until smooth. Next, add the remaining fruits and blend again.

If you make it, share a photo of your Monday Munchie on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (@beMilestone) and use the hashtag #MilestoneMM so we can see it!
