Peter Ostermiller
Once Peter Ostermiller realized that it was his own doubt about the possibility of losing weight that was holding him back from reaching his goal of losing 30 pounds, he decided to get serious about weight loss. Motivated by his own personal disappointment that he was 56 and overweight helped him to get serious. Peter met regularly with Amee Liles, Wellness Center Personal Trainer who gave him constructive comments and ‘baby step’ goals of 5 pound weight loss increments helped him to achieve his goal.
Peter also realized that making changes to his diet was crucial. He made more healthy choices and less unhealthy choices in his diet and also avoided unhealthy snacking between meals as well as avoiding late night snacking. By doing these common sense things that many people think they cannot do, he was able to reach his weight loss goal. Peter is optimistic that his weight loss is sustainable for the long term.
“Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can!”