"My name is Karen Snapp and I am 66 years old. I am a third and fourth grade teacher. There have been a number of significant losses in my life which have impacted my health. I joined Milestone in May, 2014 with good intentions of learning how to exercise, making healthy eating choices and to improve the overall quality of my lifestyle.
The biggest challenge I have faced in my life is that of low self-esteem and self-worth. I never felt I deserved anything let alone having a gym membership because of embarrassment. When I turned 65 last August I decided it was time to take care of myself. It was time to give myself what I deserved – a better quality of life.
Last December I took a huge risk. I approached Taylor Fuller and asked her if she would work with me. I just knew I would be told she was not available at that time. Much to my surprise Taylor said yes, and it was that moment my journey to a healthy lifestyle began. Taylor has helped me to realize I am stronger than I ever thought I could be. Her positive approach with me has worked wonders. With Taylor’s guidance, care and understanding, I have accomplished certain exercises that I would never have done on my own.
In March of this year Taylor recommended that I meet with Ali Pulliam, a Registered Dietician at Milestone, to help me with nutrition. Under Ali’s guidance I have totally changed my eating habits. Ali’s positive reaction has helped me to accept myself and the importance of what I put in my body and its effect on my total well-being.
I really do believe working with Taylor and Ali I have a true support system at Milestone. They have helped me to transform my life!"
Words from Karen's personal trainer, Taylor Fuller:
"Since Karen and I began working together, on December 28, 2016, she has lost 27 lbs, 8% body fat, 25 lbs of pure fat loss, gained 16 lbs of muscle mass, and dropped her visceral fat rating from a 7 to a 4. From a personal trainer's perspective, the things Karen has gained since we began working together are truly immeasurable. She walks with her head a bit higher than before. She doesn't respond to my asking her to try a new exercise by "I can't do that" but rather by simply doing it; and once she does, pride in herself is written all over her face. She works so hard, even when she's following her program to do on her own. She is the ideal client any trainer could hope for. She doesn't just walk in the doors hoping to just get it over with- she shows up ready to give it all she has and then asks "what next?"
Before (2016):
After (November 2017):
Way to go, Karen! We congratulate you on your accomplishments and we wish you all the best in your continued pursuit of good health and wellness! Thank you for being an inspiration to us all!