Tom and Anne Ebendorf's Weight Loss Story
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We have had weight problems our entire adult life, and have tried every weight loss program we could find! Some worked for awhile but did bot last, because we never made a fundamental change to our routine and never made a commitment to routine exercise. As a result, our weight roller-coastered up and down and our health deteriorated. When we found HMR we were both 72 years old and morbidly obese. We both had Type 2 Diabetes and hypertension. Anne was on oxygen and needed a walker for support. In short, we were both in serious trouble.
HMR turned all of that around. We have been in the program for 14 months and have both lost more than 100 pounds each. Anne is not only off her oxygen, but she no longer needs the walker. Our diabetes is in remission and we no longer need any medication. Our blood pressure is in normal range and our doctors have taken both of us off those meds as well. We are both exercising on a daily basis and we feel great! HMR taught us how to make that “Lifestyle Change” toward a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, healthy lean proteins, and whole grains. HMR worked because it is more than a weight loss program it is a “Total” health program.
We have stopped the roller coaster ride, have changed our lifestyle, and it was remarkably easy with the HMR comprehensive plan. We enthusiastically recommend it to everybody!! HMR saved our life !!
After Photos
Big congratulations are in order for Tom and Anne. You guys are rock stars and are proof that weight loss is possible at any age. Keep up the fabulous work, you too!