One of the biggest barriers to improving health and fitness is a lack of motivation. Most people just sit around waiting for motivation to strike like lightning. In some rare cases this might happen, but most of the time we will be left waiting and wondering when we will get our lives together. Often motivation only comes from seeing results. Once we see results, we are then enticed to continue the actions that got those results in the first place. So how do we see results in the first place? One option would be to hire a Personal Trainer.
What is personal training?
During a paid personal training session, the client will receive a complete workout directed by their personal trainer. Clients who see the most results, and maintain those results, meet with their personal trainer regularly. This workout could include cardio and/or strength training, and the use of machines, free weights, TRX, and/or bodyweight exercises. The objective of personal training is to guide the client through a tailored workout, specific to their individual goals. Based on these goals, the trainer will recommend how frequently training sessions should be held.
Why should you hire a Personal Trainer?
- Motivation
- Proper Form
- Safety
- Better Results
- Nutrition Coaching
- Injury Prevention
- Consistency
- More Effective Workouts
- Accountability
- Injury Rehabilitation
- Specialty Certifications
- It’s Fun!
“Personal training is just that, it’s personal. What worked for your neighbor or best friend, may not be what works for you. We will look at your lifestyle, goals, body shape, past injuries, etc. to design a program to help you get where you want to be.” -Heather Albro, NSCA-CSCS
“Having a personal trainer is advantageous to everyone. Whether you are new to exercising or an elite athlete. We all need coaching, accountability, and motivation. A personal trainer can help with more than just correcting form on specific exercises. We can be that accountability partner many need to get into the gym.” -Bryant Lipp, NSCA-CSCS
“A personal trainer will be your motivator, your cheerleader, and will hold you accountable. A program will be designed to specifically meet your individual needs. You will improve your mental and physical well-being with the help of a personal trainer. We change lives for the better.” -Alison Cardoza, ACSM-CPT
“[A personal trainer can help you] get started and seek out a plan with realistic goals. Stay consistent, adapt to, and overcome the obstacles presented to you on your journey. When you fall off, [your trainer will help you] get back to it.” -Andrew Crowe, ACE-CPT
Still Not Sure?
Here at Milestone, we offer orientation sessions for all members to be able to receive a workout they feel comfortable doing on their own. This is a one-time, complimentary offer, and is a great way to experience working with a personal trainer.
1st orientation session- This session will include a short recap of the member’s goals and health history, a Tanita body composition test, and a series of fitness tests to help the personal trainer develop a workout routine based on the member’s needs.
2nd orientation session- During this session, the personal trainer will take the member through a workout routine. They will write down the exercise details, machine settings, weights, sets, and reps for each exercise on the member’s workout card.
If you already completed your 2 orientation sessions with a personal trainer, get back in touch with them to discuss meeting regularly. Your Fitness Coaching team is also here to help. Call 896-3900 x 148 to talk to a Fitness Coach about which personal trainer would be best for you!