5 Ways to Reverse Holiday Weight Gain (2019 Edition)

Posted by Lauren Higgins on Monday, December 02, 2019

Reversing your holiday weight gain is easier than you thought.

5 Ways to Reverse Holiday Weight Gain (2019 Edition)
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If you have the tendency to overdo it during the holidays, chances are you aren’t alone. While one big meal, or a few days off track, won’t erase your hard work, we are often tempted to go to extreme measures to undo the damage leaving us exhausted and discouraged. This mentality could hinder your fitness progress in the long run, but the good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way. According to certified personal trainer, Lauren Higgins, there are a few adjustments you can easily implement, and stick with, to get back on track just in time for New Years! Here are her top five recommendations to get started:


Hydrate, hydrate and then hydrate some more. Junk food, alcohol, sugar, and caffeine all work against your body’s hydration. Replenish your water and boost your metabolism by drinking 64-100 oz. a day. Drinking enough water may even curb your appetite and help you feeling fuller, for longer.


Holidays usually call for lots of food we do not normally eat.  Sugar can cause us to feel sluggish and tired the whole week after. Boost your energy and limit cravings by cutting it out all together for a few days!


Lots of people travel over the holidays. Get back in the gym more often the week after a holiday to get you back into a routine.


Skipping meals is a common way to make up for the amount consumed over a holiday season.  Not eating can cause your metabolism to slow down and prevent your body from burning excess calories.  Try to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day, filled with healthy foods!  Some foods to eat more of this week are…

  • Lean protein
  • Lemon
  • Asparagus
  • Melon
  • Salad


Guilt over what you ate or drank over a holiday season can haunt you for months. Let it go and remember all the fun times.  A few fun holiday dinner parties won’t ruin all your hard work!


The holidays are meant to be enjoyed, not dreaded. If you overindulged, all hope is not lost. These 5 tips are designed to help you bounce back and recover from holiday weight gain but if you're looking for professional guidance, Milestone offers fitness coaching, wellness coaching and personal training for all fitness levels. Leave us a comment below and a staff member will contact you to review options that fit your lifestyle and your goals. 

Topics: Health, Holidays, Nutrition, exercise, weight loss