Goals Vs. Resolutions

Posted by Chelsea Stengel on Monday, December 31, 2018

2019 is here and one word typically associated with the New Year is resolution. Resolution by
definition is “a firm decision to do or not to do something; the action of solving a problem, dispute,
or contentious matter.” Resolution comes off to me as something that is started but not usually
stuck with. With the turn of a new year, I like to set new goals not resolutions. Habits, not quick

Incorporating fitness into your life should be a habit, not a workout plan for 3 months and taper
off. It should be to achieve activities of daily living, heart health, and longevity. Exercise
produces endorphins which also make you have more energy and increase happiness.
A goal is defined as “object of a person’s ambition or effort, an aim or desired result”. By setting
goals, it gives us a path or a plan to follow. Goals do not get achieved over days or weeks or
sometimes even months. They make take years. They take focus and consistency, all which are
needed to continue to live a healthy and happy life.
So for the new year, ditch the resolution and write down some goals for yourself for the next few
months, for the next year, for the next five years. What do you want to accomplish? What do
you want to learn along the way? What habits do you need to stop doing, start doing, and keep
doing? How can you become a better person so that you can better the people around you?
Your goals should parallel how you want to live your life. Come up with words or phrases you
want to live by. And start changing your life for the better today. And remember, “Don’t give up
on a dream just because of the time it takes to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”
I wish you a great 2019! If you need help setting a fitness goal that will challenge you but keep
you accountable, come see us here at Milestone!

-Chelsea Stengel, Milestone Personal Trainer

Ironman Competitor

Topics: healthy, resolutions, fitness, exercise