6 Fitness experts discuss the benefits of Pilates and why you should be adding it to your workout routine.
Why You Need to Practice Pilates According to 6 Fitness Experts
Group fitness training has been trending in popularity for the last several years and for good reason. Accountability, effectiveness and community create a results-oriented training regimen for all fitness levels.
Group fitness may be intimidating to some but for some reason, certain class types such as Pilates have an added air of, "stay away if you don't know what you're doing." It could be the equipment, the terminology or even just the way it seems everyone attending these classes appears to be going to a party you weren't invited to. Whatever it may be, your feelings of fear are normal and you're not alone. What the heck is Pilates anyway?
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, after whom it was named. Pilates called his method "Contrology". It is practiced worldwide and emphasizes use of the stabilizer muscles found in your spine, pelvis and core. The focus is on strengthening the abdominal muscles and increasing flexibility. Floor work is designed for different skill levels, and anyone without prior Pilates experience is encouraged to take a beginners class. Participants of all levels will benefit from core and stability training with enhanced breathing techniques.
Pilates is a great way to unleash the mind-body connection as it consists of mindful movements that calm anxiety and work the smaller muscles we often neglect during strength or cardiovascular training.
It is also often used as a physical therapy alternative for muscle repair and promotes active recovery, but can also help strengthen your core muscles to avoid injury altogether.
Why you need to practice Pilates
Meet 6 Milestone Certified Personal Trainers & Stott Trained Pilates instructors to learn how anyone can benefit from incorporating Pilates into their fitness routine.
Katie Crowe, BA-ACE,CPT:
"I loved Pilates from the first time I tried it! It has helped me identify my own weaknesses and become stronger in ways that traditional exercise doesn't provide."
"Pilates focuses on core strength, stability, mobility, balance, and coordination. Pilates works the smaller muscle groups that traditional exercise often neglects. Members can focus on these variables and in turn improve their performance in other areas of the gym."
Joe Kirven, BS, NSCA-CPT:
"I’ve been doing Pilates off and on for about 5 years. I learned Pilates is for everyone and anyone can get a great workout through Pilates."
"Pilates can enhance anyone’s workout routine, especially when it’s designed specifically for their body type and/or needs. For instance, someone may be very strong but not flexible, I could design exercise routines geared toward making that person more flexible with a better range of motion which will actually help them become even
stronger. Meanwhile someone who is already very flexible usually lacks muscular strength. I could help this individual become stronger through Pilates training enhancing what they are already working on and bringing the body into a
better balance."
Johanna Abell, MS, ASCM-CPT:
"I decided to pursue a Pilates certification to expand my knowledge of the human body and change how I help people move."
"Improved body awareness, balance, core strength, coordination, and better posture are just a few of the benefits of Pilates."
Mary Hayes, ISSA ACSM-CPT:
"Being a Certified Personal Trainer for 20 years, 17 at Milestone, I wanted to take my work to another level. I know how beneficial doing Pilates was for my physical well-being and I wanted to bring that to my clients as well. Pilates supports spine and core health."
"Pilates enhances any other exercise routine you might be doing. Spine health and strength can keep you injury free."
Eugene Dean, BS, ACSM-CPT:
"Pursuing a certification in Pilates seemed like the next logical step in furthering my fitness knowledge. I am excited to diversify my career and help my clients achieve different fitness goals. For years I have worked with clients to improved their health and wellness and Pilates has proven to be a big asset to a balanced fitness routine."
"Your are only as strong as your weakest link. Pilates is the perfect tool for strengthening many of our weaknesses and allowing us to achieve greatness."
Rebecca Williamson, BS, ACSM-CPT:
"I tried Pilates a few years ago and thought it was fun, effective, and very different from my normal workouts. The opportunity to get certified came along and I went for it. I wanted to learn the technique and be able to teach Pilates to my clients, and other members, regardless of their age or physical fitness levels."
"Pilates is a great way to add variety to your fitness routine, and to fix any muscular and postural imbalances. So, whether you are looking for longer, leaner muscles; better posture; core strength and stability; improved balance and coordination; effective post rehabilitation; or enhanced athletic performance, Pilates is for you!"
Take Away
If you've ever wanted to take a Pilates class but have been holding back, now is your time. Between Pilates mat classes and Milestone's Pilates Trained instructors, your first Pilates experience can be in a group or in a one-on-one session.
Improve your posture, flexibility and core while repairing and restoring your muscles to aid in recovery and injury prevention.
If you're interested in learning more about Pilates, click here, reach out to one of our trainers or comment below to schedule your first demo.